13 Coma Survivors Explain What Their Unconscious Experiences Were Like


We’ve all seen movies about people who land in comas after sustaining grave injuries or serious illnesses. And though we know comas are really hard on the patient’s loved ones, we seldom get to see what it’s like for the people who experience comas firsthand. 

From the outside, it can seem sad and perhaps a little scary to be in the same room as an unconscious body, but how much of their condition do coma patients really understand? Are they mentally there at all, or is it just the shells of them, with their consciousness floating somewhere above the room?

Thirteen people who’ve experienced comas opened up about their experiences, which seem to run the gamut.

Read on for a glimpse of what it’s like to be in a coma.


Some patients compare it to being stuck in a really long dream.


Sometimes, you can still hear everything that’s going on around you.


For others, it’s complete darkness.


It can be like one long out-of-body experience.


Some people thought they were dead… and wonder now if they’re really alive.


Some were able to communicate with people in the world.


Some people lead entire lives in their comas.


Hallucinations and real life can blend in for a while, even after the coma wears off.

Source : https://www.distractify.com/trending/2018/11/26/RC1eZeA/what-is-it-like-being-in-a-coma