10 Movies Featuring Strong Female Characters That You Should Watch With Your Daughter

Watching films with strong female characters can make you feel inspired, more confident, and empowered. Andie Walsh was my movie hero growing up. Molly Ringwald’s Pretty in Pink character didn’t do anything superbly fantastic. She didn’t change the world or kick butt, but she was unapologetically herself. To me, there was nothing stronger than a teenage girl who dared to be different despite the pressure to be who other people wanted. 

Since then, lead female characters in films have only become more diverse and more awesome. It’s important for parents to be critical of the messages portrayed in films representing girls and women. The messages that girls get from movies about women tend to shape their attitudes and feelings about themselves. If you’re looking for some major girl power to share with your daughter, no matter her age, we’ve got you covered. 

LittleThings has rounded up 10 recommendations available to stream now, including ratings and where to watch.

Source : https://www.littlethings.com/movies-featuring-strong-female-characters/