Women With Full-Time Jobs Share Schedules For “Me Time”

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“I work from home three days a week (I’m in the office the other two days). The husband has the same schedule. The cleaner comes once a week, so I let the rest slide. So the house is always a bit messy but never a total disaster. Kids are older at this point. 11 and 13. I do laundry all day Saturday every two weeks. The husband does the food shopping and cooks one big pot of food once a week. He generally does more of the cooking than me. I make lunches, tidy, and change beds. I do most of the house admin because I work from home three days a week, so I can actually fit in lots of house admin on those days.”

“The result? Apart from some football matches and training, evenings and weekends are pretty much free. I like to read, knit, play piano, run, garden, watch sci-fi with my son, cook an odd meal, and drink wine. Lots of relaxation as far as I am concerned. Also, do go out at the odd time, with your husband or friends. I’d say once or twice a month. WFH was a game-changer, to be honest. Total new lease on life. More energy for myself, for the kids.”


Source: https://www.buzzfeed.com/ravenishak/women-full-time-job-schedules

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