Women Who Waited Until Their 30s And 40s To Have Kids Are Sharing Their Experiences, And It’s Such An Important Conversation

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“I do wish I had done things differently but maybe not for one of the more common reasons. I had my first child at 33, second at 35, and adopted my third (and last!) child when I was 37. My husband and I waited to have kids because of a myriad of circumstances, some of which were fertility related while others were financial. Other than being one of the oldest mothers in my kids’ preschool classes, all was what I had expected. But then my husband committed suicide in 2020 and I was left to raise three very young children all on my own. I think had I been younger when I had my children I would be better physically equipped to care for them now.”

“After all, I have to be both mom and dad to three kids all under age 8. It’s exhausting. They all have friends with young parents who seem to be in such a different place in life than I am. My friends have kids in middle and high school so they are past the need for babysitters or nap times. We don’t line up anymore. I feel had I had my kids earlier in life, it just would have been all around easier.”

—Adrian, 42

Source: https://www.buzzfeed.com/fabianabuontempo/parents-who-waited-to-have-kids-later-in-life

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