Women Who Don’t Regret Abortion Share Their Stories

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“I was in a long-term relationship with my now fiancé, stable, and financially secure. I just plain did not want a baby, and I still don’t.

I had a surgical abortion and I did not have any intense emotions that some others talk about. It felt no different to me than any other doctor’s appointment. I wasn’t happy or sad, and I wasn’t unsure or scared. I didn’t have doubts or wonder if I was doing the wrong thing. Afterwards, I was happy to know it was over because I knew I didn’t want a baby inside me. I just went home, had pizza, and went to bed early due to the pain killers and mild anesthesia I was given. The next day continued on like any other.

Maybe I’m callous, but it wasn’t a traumatic or emotional experience for me. I didn’t struggle with the decision. I knew what I would do the second I found out.

At the time I did wish I heard more stories like mine. Almost all abortion stories sound traumatic with girls feeling a mix of shame, regret, and sadness. I didn’t have hard time deciding to end it. Forcing an unwanted child on someone will do more damage to the child. 

I could’ve given a child a healthy and stable two parent home. We could also afford it. But I didn’t want to. Neither did my fine fiancé. I just turned 30 and we still don’t want to. I was ok with my choice then, and am still ok with it now. It was a selfish decision. It would have been even more selfish to bring an unwanted child on the world.”

– u/gavemybossmypassword

Source: https://www.buzzfeed.com/alexalisitza/women-who-dont-regret-abortion-share-stories

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