Women Reveal What They Would Have Done Differently At Their Wedding, And It’s Actually Great Advice For The Future

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“My first wedding, I ate literally nothing. Every time somebody called me over to talk to someone, I got up and left my own table to do so, and the waitstaff was highly efficient and did their jobs. Even my untouched cake plate got thrown away after only 5-10 minutes of sitting on the table. At the second wedding, I got wise. We served cocktails and socialized before the ceremony! Afterward, when it was dinner time, I just sat my butt down and ate the food when it came out just like everybody else!”

—Encyclopedia Fuckoffia

“Definitely make time to eat, or have a picnic basket packed with reception foods you can share later. DH and I weren’t able to eat at all at our reception; I didn’t even see the room where the food was set up because I was too busy greeting guests and receiving good wishes. Luckily, my mother and aunts packed us a great assortment of the food, so we got to eat later that evening.”


Source: https://www.buzzfeed.com/mayaogolini/brides-share-wedding-mistakes

New Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/OsmaniTheOttoman/