This Woman Donated Her Kidney To Her Boyfriend Before He Cheated On Her

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Despite her hurt, Colleen said that she tried to give her ex-boyfriend a second chance, though she in retrospect added, “Honestly, thinking back, I don’t know why I thought giving him another chance would work out our relationship when my trust in him was completely shattered.” 

Three months after this, the two were in an argument on the phone when Colleen said that her ex-boyfriend suddenly wanted to stop talking and read the Bible together. Colleen said, “I told him, ‘No, can we just talk it out?’ That right there triggered him so much that he just pretty much broke up with me and said, ‘If God wanted us to be together, then we’ll find a way back together in the end.'” He then hung up the phone and proceeded to block Colleen’s number, as well as all of her social media accounts. 


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