Things That Surprised Parents About Childbirth

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“I was surprised that the hospital expected me to know what to do immediately after birth. I literally didn’t know how to hold a baby that was only minutes old, much less how to feed and change them! But the nurses just cleaned him, said, ‘Congrats,’ and left! I felt like they were treating me like a second or third time mom on my first turn!”


“After my first was born, they put him on me and gave me the suction bulb, and I was just in shock that this little person was laying on me — I had no idea what to do! Just try to keep him from rolling off me? Luckily, the nurse noticed my state of shock and took over!”


“I remember my husband and I feeling embarrassed to ask the nurse how to swaddle the baby at first, but eventually I became a champion baby burrito maker!”



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