The Ottoman Empire loved cats The Cats Taking Over Istanbul How Istanbul’s culture is so heavily correlated with cats R…

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The Ottoman Empire loved cats The Cats Taking Over Istanbul 😜 How Istanbul’s culture is so heavily correlated with cats Read in this post first let me tell you that my mother and me are also cat lovers 😺🤣

According to Heinrich Schaefer, a native of Australia who took care of the Sultan’ Abdulhamid Khan animals and bird’s sultan Have 1,500 cats of different breeds, Prince Şerefeddin Efendi was exiled from his homeland, forcing him to live alone in Beirut. It was his lifelong companion, his cat, who notified the neighbors of his death. 😺💞

“In Constantinople, there are also large gardens, surrounded with walls, on which cats jump and assemble, waiting for certain people to come and give them alms. For it is customary for Turks to boil and bake paunches, lights, liver and pieces of meat, and carry them in wooden buckets up and down the city, crying out ‘Kedi et, kedi et’ i.e. ‘Cat’s meat!’… and it is an undoubted truth that it is on the walls of these gardens the cats breakfast in the morning and assemble for the second time at the hour of the evening meal, in large bodies out of the whole city, and stand on the lookout; and we went purposely to these walls and listened to their caterwauling, and watched how they ran out of the houses and assembled.” The Baron continued, noting that the Turkish matrons would provide chunks of meat, saying prayers at the same time 😺

Istanbul is perhaps the most cat-friendly city in the world. The famous American novelist Ernest Hemingway once wrote, “One cat just leads to another.” It seems most Istanbulites have really taken this to heart. Around 150,000 street cats are roaming the streets. 😺

Zain Alabdeen ❤️🖋️

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