Guilt is a common currency exchanged in families, sometimes every time they see each other. Not even a toddler is immune to a guilt trip. So if he gets one, naturally his mom does, too. See this family dynamic at play in this story. Last October, my son was running around my father’s living room …
Tag Archives: Replace
A Dog’s Bark Made A Bar Patron Drop His Drink, But The Dog’s Owner Refused To Replace It
Pets in public places can be a hot topic. That said, there are lots of restaurants and bars that allow well-behaved dogs into their outdoor seating spaces. This dog barked out of the blue and this man dropped his drink, and he thinks the owner behaved badly, too. Let’s read this Reddit post below to …
Her Friend Accidentally Ruined Her Expensive Skincare Product, But She’s Not Sure If She Should Make Her Pay To Replace It
When you invite your friends over and let them use products in your home, should they have to pay to replace something they accidentally break? That’s the question in today’s story when one friend accidentally breaks another friend’s expensive skincare product. Let’s see how the story unfolds… A few days ago, I (F24) hosted a …
Mike Greenberg Will Replace Sam Ponder On Sunday NFL Countdown In His Quest To Host Every Show On ESPN
Getty Image With just a few weeks before the start of the football season, ESPN made a pair of surprising moves when they fired Samantha Ponder and Robert Griffin III. Both were making seven figures annually, and ESPN opted to let them go given they were only filling one role at this point in their …
A Neighbor’s Dog Broke Their TV And Now The Apartment Complex Is Raising Money To Replace It, But When A Tenant Refuses To Chip In Because They Don’t Know This Person They’re Shunned For Not Being Generous
Some people love getting to know their neighbors, while others prefer to keep to themselves. There’s nothing wrong with either approach because it’s all about personal preference. What would you do if you kept to yourself and a group of people asked you to help buy a neighbor a new TV? In the following story, …
Landlord Refuses To Replace A Broken Stove Even Though The Tenant Warned Him There Could Be Trouble. So They Call The Fire Department And It Ends Up Costing Him $10,000 In Fines.
Home appliances account for around 8% of all house fires, which is crazy because it’s usually avoidable. What would you do if you knew the stove in your rental apartment was a hazard, but your landlord refused to buy a new one? Would you keep hounding him, or would you turn him into officials and …
His Neighbor Refused To Help Pay To Replace The Fence Separating Their Yards, So He Replaced The Fence In A Way The Neighbor Won’t Like
When a fence separates the property between two neighbors, it makes sense that the neighbors would share the cost to fix or replace the fence. In today’s story, one neighbor refuses to pay for the fence, so the neighbor who pays to replace the fence finds a way to get revenge. Let’s see how the …
‘Make them replace it’: Woman gets new kitchen through Home Depot. It backfires
Home renovation can bring a lot of surprises—and not always for the better. While you might occasionally rip up a carpet to discover beautiful hardwood, more often than not, stories about home renovation involve much more accidental destruction and unsatisfactory work than they do the reveal of unexpected features. Numerous stories of home renovation have …
Continue reading “‘Make them replace it’: Woman gets new kitchen through Home Depot. It backfires”
Mom Wants Daughter’s Wedding To Replace The One She Never Had, But Her Kids Are Telling Her To Back Off
When your mom starts treating your sister’s engagement as a chance to fulfill her own wedding dreams, what do you do? One Redditor finds themselves caught in a whirlwind of family drama as their mom demands a wedding from their newly engaged sister. The bride-to-be has made her wishes clear, but will the family support …
Her Stepmother Wants Her To Replace One Of Her Photos With An Edited Image, But She Says It’s Her Page So She Makes The Rules
There is definitely a group of people who want every image of themselves online to look picture perfect. That’s not real life, but that doesn’t matter, right? This woman’s stepmother is that way, but she’s refusing to play that game on her own Instagram page. Read the whole story so you can weigh in with …
‘I always thought you had to buy a new one’: Customer shares how to replace the battery in your AirTag when it dies
If you’ve got an AirTag, you might want to listen up. Some people don’t know that if your AirTag is dead, there’s a simple solution: Replace the battery. Some TikTokers had no idea the battery was replaceable and even threw their AirTags away. Laurenn Franz (@laurennfranz) did the internet a solid by explaining how to …
His Coworker’s Wife Made Delicious Indian Food For The Office Potluck, But Her Spoon Is Missing And His Coworker Insists They Replace It
It’s cliche as heck, but it’s often true that no good deed goes unpunished. Even if that good deed is delicious. Read this story to see how a serving spoon and leftover biryani caused drama in the office. My (23F) workplace decided to have a potluck and everyone brought a dish. My coworker’s wife made …