His Wife Wants To Rehome The Family Dog Because She Claims It’s Affecting Her Health, But Hubby Stands Firm And Says The Pup Is Staying Put

Pets bring so much joy into your life that once you have them, it’s hard to imagine life without them. So, what do you do when your spouse suddenly wants to get rid of the family dog after the kids come along? In the following story, a husband finds himself in this very situation. Let’s …

Her Siblings Are Moving Out But They Want To Leave Their Adopted Dogs Behind For Her To Take Care Of, So She Says She’ll Rehome Them If They’re Left With Her

People can be so pushy… And when it comes to family members, sometimes you just have to stand your ground and tell them HELL NO. That’s what this woman did and now she wants to know if she is being unreasonable. Let’s see what’s going on here… “4 years ago my parents bought a second …