AI Was Used In A Massive Streaming Fraud Case, Generating Billions Of Streams And $10 Million In Royalty Payments

Getty Image The use of artificial intelligence (AI) in music has been a hot topic for a while now, but so far, we’ve only seen the tip of the iceberg of implications advanced algorithms can have for the recording industry. While artists speak out against the use of generative AI in the creation of songs …

Companies Have Dumped Billions Into AI Research And Development, But The Industry Itself Isn’t Generating Any Cash

There have been discussions on top of discussions when it comes to AI. People have opinions on how it should be deployed, whether or not it’s training constitutes theft, whether or not it’s accurate…the list goes on and on. Another issue, though, is that – at least at the moment – it’s just not good …

NASA Shares Latest Success In Generating Oxygen On Mars

NASA has made no secret of the fact that they plan to put astronauts on the surface of Mars in the relatively near future. They’ve also made no bones about the fact that there are a lot of pieces that still need to fall into place before they can make that happen. Like, for example, our …

‘Do you see any diversity?’: Man says AI is ableist after generating 100-plus images of ‘an autistic person’—and they’re all white men

A disability advocate says he asked AI to generate photos of “an autistic person” 148 times, and with the exception of two photos, all the images showed white men. In a TikTok posted on Monday, Jeremy Davis (@jeremyandrewdavis) says that not only is artificial intelligence racist, it is ableist as well. He shows images that …

The “I Am Innocent” Videos on TikTok Are Generating a Lot of Buzz

While the situation seems to be quite dire for Melissa, people have expressed their doubts in the comments about whether or not these videos are real. Many people believe that the TikToks are part of a skit or a school project. “I’m guessing this is for a poly sci class or a mock trial and …