Why Some Animals Have A “Third Eye”

No, we’re not talking about some weird psychic ability, but an organ that’s sensitive to light, much like the two eyes we’re all comfortable with discussing. This “third eye,” or parietal eye, is most often seen in species like frogs, lizards, and some fish. A parietal eye contains a cornea, lens, and retina, but doesn’t …

Why Behaviorists Think Animals Do That Adorable “Sploot”

There’s not much that’s more interesting or adorable than spending some time watching our adorable animals do their thing around the house. And you know how dogs, squirrels, and handful of other animals  “sploot?” Flat on their bellies, four legs akimbo? It turns out behaviorists think they know why they do it. While there might …

New Technology Reveals The Colors Of The World Through The Eyes Of Animals

People often say they wish they could understand their pets better. And while we might still be a ways away from that technology, new camera and software innovations might at least allow humans to see the world through animals’ eyes. There is immense value to ecologists and zoologists to be able to see the world in the same …

The Lifespan Of Some Of The Longest-Living Animals On The Planet Are Bound To Make You Feel Young Again

Nobody likes getting old, largely because as we age we all know we are getting closer to our inevitable death. If we lived as long as some animals, maybe we wouldn’t mind so much. Every animal has a different average lifespan, some are very short like the Sign Eviota, which completes its normal life cycle …

Chatty animals get 'interviewed' with a teeny tiny microphone, and boy is it entertaining

Ever wonder what an ideal date for a lemur would be? Or a lizard’s favorite Disney princess? Thanks to one YouTube poster with a passion for animals and an endearing sense of humor, all questions shall be answered. Well, maybe not all questions. But at the very least, you’ll have eight minutes of insanely cute …

Unsettling Facts About Adorable Animals

Unsettling Facts About Adorable Animals Nature is amazing, nature is beautiful, but sometimes, nature can be downright disturbing. Deep down inside, no matter how cute an animal is, it’s still wild. From vampire butterflies to psychologically manipulative jungle cats (yes, you heard that correctly), the animal kingdom is, no pun intended, a truly wild place. …

Here Is Glass Animals’ ‘Tour Of Earth’ Setlist

Getty Image Glass Animals like to have fun, as is made clear by the name of the tour they just launched this past weekend: Human Music Group Sensations Glass Animals: Tour Of Earth. Indeed, the “Heat Waves” band is on the road, and if you’re planning to see them, you can take a look at …

Annoying Older Couple Cut Them Off In Line To See Bears On A Trip, But They Got The Last Laugh When They Saw The Animals And The Couple Didn’t

Isn’t it so annoying when oldies take advantage of the fact that they were born earlier? They think they can just be rude and blame it on their age. This guy had to deal with an old couple on his trip and he was not having it. Let’s see how he took his petty revenge …

Why Scientists Are Starting To Believe A Whole Lot Of Animals Have Some Degree Of Consciousness

For eons, human beings have considered themselves superior to a majority of animals and insects on the Earth because we’re the only ones who are “conscious.” By that, we think we’re the only ones who have something in our brains besides base instincts. Now, scientists are challenging that assumption based on new research. In fact, …

A major UCLA study says that at least 65 species of animals laugh

Laughter is one of the most natural impulses in humans. Most babies start to laugh out loud at around 3 to 4 months, far earlier than they are able to speak or walk. Expressing enjoyment or delight comes naturally to us, but we’re not the only creatures who communicate with giggles. Researchers at UCLA have …

Chatty animals get 'interviewed' with a teeny tiny microphone, and boy is it entertaining

Ever wonder what an ideal date for a lemur would be? Or a lizard’s favorite Disney princess? Thanks to one YouTube poster with a passion for animals and an endearing sense of humor, all questions shall be answered. Well, maybe not all questions. But at the very least, you’ll have eight minutes of insanely cute …