Super Bowl LVI or Super Bowl 56? NFL’s Roman Numerals, Explained

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I represents 1.

V represents 5.

X represents 10.

L represents 50.

C represents 100.

D represents 500

M represents 1,000.

Now that we’ve gotten that out of the way, each number is deciphered from left to right, although you may be required to do a little math.

When a symbol follows a larger or equal symbol, the two numerals are added together. But if a smaller symbol appears before a larger symbol, the smaller numeral is subtracted from the larger one.

So, using our previous examples: Super Bowl LVI = 50 + [ 5 + 1 ] = Super Bowl 56.

However, Super Bowl LIV = 50 + [ 5 – 1 ] = Super Bowl 54.


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