Sultan Mehmed Fatih goal was to turn Istanbul into a bastion of diversity, religious tolerance, and great scholarly work…

Sultan Mehmed Fatih goal was to turn Istanbul into a bastion of diversity, religious tolerance, and great scholarly work.

As a result, he invited many scholars, artists, and scientists from across the Empire and beyond to the city.

He also embarked on a massive project of repopulating the city, building many public infrastructures, including mosques, citadels, hospitals, schools, military barracks for his Jannisaries, and a palace.

His efforts paid off tremendously, as Istanbul quickly became one of the greatest imperial cities in the world at the time.

The city had a religious demographic of 10% Jews, 22% Christian, and about 60% Muslims.

Here is my review video on the first season of “Rise of Empires: Ottoman” series 👇
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