Some of the Ottoman Sultans used to have an extremely beautiful practice which showed their adab and love for Masjid an-…

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Some of the Ottoman Sultans used to have an extremely beautiful practice which showed their adab and love for Masjid an-Nabawī in Madīnah.

For many centuries, the noble Masjid of the Messenger of Allāh ‎ﷺ and his pure chambers would be cleaned with brushes made from peacock and ostrich feathers.

After a long period of being used to wipe the dust and cleaning the floor – the feathers would then be brought to the Sultans. To what use? They would wipe the feathers on their eyes and on their faces, and wear it on top of their turbans.

The kings of the world take honor in wearing diamonds and rubies on their crowns, but the Muslim rulers would take honor in wearing feathers which touched the earth of his ‎ﷺ noble city and resting place. #OttomanEmpire #Osmanlı #Islam

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