Pete Davidson Made A Joke About His Love Life On SNL

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If nothing else, Pete clearly has a good sense of humor about all the attention.

Last night’s Saturday Night Live episode featured yet another reference to Pete Davidson’s oft-discussed personal life.

Pete talks about himself all the time on the show, from his appearances on “Weekend Update” to making jokes about himself in sketches like he did this week.

During the cold open, President Biden (James Austin Johnson, doing an incredible impression) blamed the spread of the Omicron variant on SpiderMan: No Way Home.

He said that the throngs of people going to see the movie in theaters was the cause of the latest surge, before coming to the conclusion that we are in the multiverse, and that this is simply a terrible alternate reality we’re all living in.

Suddenly, Biden got a visit from the Biden from the real universe, and as you can see, that Biden was played by Mr. Pete Davidson.

The “real” Biden confirmed that this reality is awful and everyone’s life is better in the real world…with one exception.

This joke is especially funny in light of a certain rapper’s recent remarks about Pete dating Kim Kardashian, to say nothing of Pete’s other tabloid-friendly moments.


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