People Share When It Was Time To Get Divorced

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“My mom had died right after we got married, and eight years in, my dad died in a car accident on the way home from my birthday party. I’m an only child, and I was trying to grieve while also handling things like emptying and selling my dad’s house, managing his accounts, rehoming his senior pit bull, dealing with the crematorium, notifying friends and family, and organizing his memorial by myself. My husband didn’t help me pick up the food or set up the venue, but he made sure to arrive and glad-hand for an hour, accepting people’s sympathy for ‘our loss.’ Then, he left before the service was over to play a gig at a roadside aquarium with his cover band!”

“I drove home to an empty house, lugging leftover sandwich trays and cases of soda from the repast in my arms. The moment I was standing in my kitchen, in the dark, alone and broken while he played bass on 90’s pop hits across town, I knew that I had reached the point of no return.”



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