People Are Sharing Why They’ve Walked Out On A First Date, And My Face Hurts From Cringing So Hard

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“I was 17 and a freshman in college, while he was an extended senior. I can’t remember his exact age, but it was too old, and I didn’t know until I got there. He kept trying to pressure me to drink and even ordered an entire bottle of wine for the table. I kept refusing, so he ended up getting dumb drunk and very loud. He finally said, ‘My friends know that I like innocent girls. That’s why they set us up. Have you ever even had a boyfriend before?'”

“He was right, I came from a conservative family and had never had a boyfriend or even a first kiss before college. He was a legacy rich kid at a local private Christian university and was absolutely unbearable with his flashiness and arrogance. 

He said it with the slimiest smile, and I just stared wide-eyed at him feeling very uncomfortable. I wasn’t able to leave right then, but that’s when I shut off until I could.”



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