People Are Sharing Their Most Epic Risks

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“In 2018, I was laid off from my job in San Francisco. Not knowing what to do next, I decided to visit the careers page from a competitor of my former company. Sure enough, they had an opening for the exact position I’d vacated. The only thing was that the company was located in Europe. I thought, what the hell, life is short — why not apply and see? I got an immediate response, and after several Skype interviews, they made me an offer to relocate to Europe. Ordinarily, the idea of selling most of my things (including two cars and an apartment full of stuff) and moving to a foreign country where I didn’t know anyone or speak the language would have scared the hell out of me. But I realized I would be missing out on a new experience, and that to me outweighed the potential downsides. It was a risk worth taking, and I’m glad I did. Otherwise, I might have regretted not doing it.”

“I’ve since made friends, found love and traveled extensively throughout Europe and beyond while working for this new company.” —Anonymous, 49


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