Kids at a wedding? Yes or no?
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When it comes to graduation ceremonies I’m a bit of a curmudgeon, mostly because I don’t understand why most people are celebrating.
Mostly because our educational systems are failing us more and more every single year and preparing us less and less for the work force.
Then there’s the question of just how much friggin’ money it costs, leaving the majority of us in massive amounts of insane debt. It’s such a common issue that people have decided to lighten up their graduation ceremonies by decking out their caps with references to just how screwed they are.
But not everyone is a negative nancy like me and actually want to commemorate the day they’ve earned their degree by designing their grad caps without reminding themselves and others how financially screwed they are.
Like people who just want to honor a current 2018 meme.
And honoring a not-so-current Disney film and show that’ll never leave Broadway.
There are some students who kept their grad caps a bit more topical. My guess is that this young woman is a bit of a math nerd, or has a thing for sharp angles and precise writing utensils.
But there are people who managed to use new memes to charm up the very real worry of being condemned to a life of economic slavery.
Some people are just ecstatic that they’re finally done with all this college BS.
It wouldn’t be a 2018 joint if you didn’t rep Cardi B. either, complete with her trademark lip curl.
And while we’re on the topic of current, and important, culturally relevant artists, I present to you: the Post Malone graduation cap.
Some people had to go and get all inspirational with theirs.
Cheesy, I know, but we all love cheese.
We also love wise guys.
Oh, you thought we were done with Spongebob memes?
It’s always nice to see students give credit where credit is due.
The Disney references will never stop, ever.
But some people opted to rep superior cartoons.
There were some people who expressed why they were forced to get a degree, and didn’t pretend like their true passions didn’t lie elsewhere.
At least it isn’t as lame as this Star Trek reference.
Then there’s this beauty that Chance would probably approve of.
That being said, there are still tons of grad caps that lament the fact whoever’s wearing them is in tons of debt.
We feel your pain, we really do.
I mean if you’re going to get into a bunch of debt, you might as well have a sweet graduation cap to make up for it.
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Simon Smith is a simple dad, who does his duty. That includes showing up to escort a group of kids to the science museum, which should be a simple enough enterprise. But Smith has Twitter, and was able to share the sheer endurance needed to move these kids through their adventure.
His story begins on the bus, the worst place in the world.
Though Smith was only assigned six kids to keep alive, he got off to an immediate bad start.
And of course, everyone immediately needed to use the toilet and ate all their food for the day:
It didn’t take long for things to descend to chaos and farts:
Just remember this is a learning experience:
The threat that things will get worse in terms of smell was always looming:
It started to effect the other kids, even:
Then it happened:
But they still weren’t even at the museum!
But then they finally ARRIVED:
Oddly, Smith didn’t have a great time.
A horrible day eventually came to a horrible end for Smith, who may be the crankiest dad on the planet. But then he had to take the return trip home.
Honestly, he should consider himself lucky that he didn’t lose a kid while he was on Twitter.
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There are few people who can embarrass you more than your own family.
That’s because they know all of your deepest, darkest secrets. They watched you grow up and all the weird phases you went through, both physical and social. All the strange TV obsessions, your love of a specific anime character that was borderline creepy, some terrible band you fangirled over and now wouldn’t want to be caught dead listening to – they know it all.
But sometimes families can embarrass you because, well, they’re just embarrassing people themselves.
It could be that you and your entire family engaged in some cringeworthy behavior. But the onus of that cringe shouldn’t fall on you, as a child. Your parents should’ve known better.
Like Papa Coverdale over here.
Or maybe there’s just that one person in your family who was always a drama queen.
The pyramid structure in this photograph is what really ties the whole thing together, doesn’t it? The screaming toddler at the forefront, the vacant expressions of the babies who don’t know any better. The one kid in the blue zip up sweater looking slightly off to the left. It’s accidental renaissance at its finest.
Here’s another completely normal, pleasant family, and the one kid who doesn’t want to be seen with them for whatever reason.
Isn’t it just the worst when you get photobombed…and not even by a member of your own species?
We’ve all been at family gatherings and encountered that one person who’s been clamoring since before the festivities begin that we all need to get a group photo. When everyone finally does get wrangled up, they hold up their camera like this.
Maybe Aunt Luanne shouldn’t be in charge of taking the pictures, yeah?
Then there are some pictures that just need to be burned from the album.
I mean I’m into some hippy stuff, but this is some real hippy stuff. I wondered how they convinced the person at JC Penny to take these?
I never thought that “pet placement” could ever truly be a problem in a family photograph. I was wrong.
Very, very wrong.
Kids don’t always cooperate and each child has their own way of expressing their disdain for your wishes.
I’m actually digging mini Axl Rose’s look right here compared to the Rick Moranis family.
The worst is just waiting for someone to actually take the photo. Grandpa knows the struggle – he only has so much time left and doesn’t want to waste it on a bunch of BS.
Sometimes, you need to get your selfies down just perfect, no matter how weird.
And some families are just cringe factories.
While others are just super, duper creepy.
At the end of the day, family is family. Even if they all pose naked together in “tasteful” black and white photos.
Or take dorky pictures in enormous trees.
Or are were really fond of perms.
Or your father is a Centaur at the renaissance fair.
Because at least you have some shared interests with your family, sometimes.
And even if they’re weird, they’re your weird family.
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Vegans don’t believe in using any animal products in their diet, and usually in every other aspect of their life, so no leather bags or beeswax candles. Some do this for the supposed benefits of the diet, but many do it because they believe it’s wrong to exploit animals. Fair enough! But it’s a bit confusing that many vegans also own pets, who they also force to be vegan, even if that’s not their natural diet. In fact, cats will die if they cannot eat meat, which contains important amino acids their bodies need.
A Twitter user named @nocroissant who is themselves a vegan recently questioned her fellow vegans everywhere: if you want a vegan pet, why not get on that doesn’t need to eat meat? They’re called herbivores.
An excellent point! Lots of animals don’t need meat to be happy and healthy, and it seems much less stressful all around.
But the question sparked a debate about whether or not it’s even cool to own an animal if you’re vegan. In a way, you’re removing their choice and exploiting them for your own purposes—love and affection.
It actually is controversial in the vegan community, but some believe that if you’re adopting, it’s beneficial to animals overall. You just shouldn’t be buying animals from breeders or pet shops, because many animals are abused in places like puppy mills.
Some people showed off their own adorable herbivores in the comments:
And others alleged that those little herbivores would for sure be crunching on bug or bones or something if they were in the wild. Animals are guided by instinct, and a guinea pig might not hunt, but if it came across something that looked or smelled good, it would munch:
Honestly, I believe it. Look into their eyes! The guinea pigs are out for blood!
Of course, lots of people argued against @nocroissant’s point, saying dogs are omnivorous like humans, and can do well on a vegan diet.
She agreed that they can live, but don’t do as well as when there is meat in their diet as well:
And someone who says they’re in veterinary school jumped in to add that dogs can live, unlike cats, but they’re still not as good at processing a vegan diet as humans. They also need some of those key amino acids and can only get them through meat.
People will likely continue to call themselves vegan and insist they’re being good to their puppy by feeding it greens, but if you don’t want to confront this ethical dilemma, remember these good boys:
Just don’t let them loose while you’re sleeping. Who knows what they’ll do….
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When you’re growing up and going through the torment that is school, it’s easy to forget that teachers at the end of the day are just regular people.
They procrastinate. They dread getting up in the morning. They don’t want to go to work and would much rather party the night before and sleep in.
And there are times when they could care less about the homework they’ve assigned you, even if you did turn it in.
We’ve all had at least one teacher who hasn’t had their crap together, and honestly, it’s hard to blame them. With major cities experiencing overcrowded classrooms, and teacher salaries becoming less and less appealing, it’s no wonder more educators are finding it more difficult to give a damn when they enter the classroom.
Not that that’s an excuse to take an obnoxious amount of time to grade a paper. Like this one teacher who let three months go by and still didn’t grade their class’ essays.
Or this teacher who did the equivalent of “the dog ate my homework.”
Some professors just never learned to get themselves organized and as a result, their work suffers.
There’s no shortage of students who relate enough to the grade-waiting struggle.
Which is understandable, you go through all of this trouble to do your homework and then you wait, and you wait, and you wait.
Sometimes, teachers don’t spite their students by being lazy with their work – they just get straight up savage.
Like this one educator who won’t tolerate any tardiness.
There’s this teacher who offers up quite possibly the most embarrassing communal pen to whoever forget a writing utensil in class.
Some teachers have decided to give up on motivating certain students, and would rather roast them instead.
The only thing worse than a professor who won’t turn in your assignments on time is one who messes up a meme attempt.
Some teachers are so tired of bad behavior, they’ve resorted to just burning their homework assignments.
Some teachers fail so hard, there’s no going back.
At least it’s better than being the kid who got pranked by this professor.
Hey, just because you’re a teacher, doesn’t mean you can’t have some fun. And sometimes, that fun comes at the expense of education.
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On Friday, a shooter killed ten people in a high school in Texas. Amongst the two teachers and eight students killed was a girl named Shana Fisher. In an interview, Fisher’s mother alleged that the shooter, Dimitrios Pagourtzis, had been harassing her daughter for months.
She said that Fisher had rejected him many times, but he kept asking her out. In her mother’s words, Fisher “embarrassed” him in class and within a week, he had killed her and others in the school, with the alleged intention of doing more. Pagourtzis also brought explosive devices that malfunctioned on site. He is currently in police custody.
There are many conversations being had about gun control and school safety. GOP legislators are of course arguing for pretty much everything except making guns less accessible—for instance, the state governor is suggesting schools should have fewer doors, and that would keep kids safe. Unless there’s a fire.
But a conversation sparked by Fisher’s story is what we tell young boys about what they’re owed from women.
To be clear, they’re owed nothing. Absolutely zero. However, we don’t teach boys that. We teach them to wear women down. Twitter user @adigoesswimming has definitely had enough of that.
Quoting the Fisher’s mother, she started a thread about what she said to her nephew who got rejected by a girl he liked.
According to @adigoesswimming, no one had ever told her nephew that when a girl says she isn’t interested, you leave her alone. You do not keep asking over and over until she concedes.
Admirably, @adigoesswimming is trying to respond to the many people attracted to her tweet. It’s a bit of a hot button issue.
In her opinion, learning to deal with being rejected is part of growing up, and a lot of people are not learning this as kids.
There is also a long connection between domestic violence and mass shooters. It’s often cited as a sign that there is worse to come, but women are often not given the support they need in domestic violence situations or heard when they warn police.
Some people think that the problem is what kids are taught in movies about what romance looks like:
And some people think that kids should figure it out on their own:
There area lot of uncomfortable talks that need to be had with kids to make sure they have realistic and respectful relationships as they grow older.
No means no. Don’t try to qualify it.
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Even though I totally understand why people are obsessed with the Royal Family, I still get annoyed by people who just won’t shut up about it.
I know, our obsession with prestigious bloodlines dates back to the earliest days of Greek Drama, through Shakespeare’s plays and even modern day Disney movies. What kid hasn’t dreamt of being a part of some grand, rich and powerful family filled with intrigue and highfalutin snob-snobbery along with a storybook wedding?
That’s especially true of the English royal family. People are so enamored by them that tons of money and talent were poured into producing The Crown, which not only happens to be a really, really good, but it’s immensely popular, as well.
But that doesn’t mean it isn’t kind of pathetic to be so obsessed with the wedding of someone you haven’t or will probably never meet, so much to the point where you don’t show the same kind of passion in your own life, dreams, or aspirations. Living vicariously through a social media stream about someone else’s marriage is kind of sad, but that one person in your office who won’t shut up about it doesn’t see that.
So to get back at them, show them these memes cracking jokes at their beloved event’s expense.
You can bother them by casting doubt on Meghan’s true intentions.
Or relegating the Queen’s importance to a board game move.
That special meal is definitely more memorable than that special day with that special someone.
Sweet I didn’t know Bean was invited.
Wait, you ACTUALLY woke up to watch it?
What are you looking forward to? Seriously, it’s not like they’d invite you there.
You can sit down and be depressed that you’ll never marry into a royal family.
That’s a .99 cent pattern right there.
I mean with all the other stuff going on in the news, it’s only fair to bring this up…
Can’t be a coincidence.
Oh and Princes don’t always act so princely.
Seriously, he’s a savage.
“Is that supposed to be a traditional outfit?”
“It was a beautiful dress, shut up!”
Even Princes need something to munch on during ceremonies.
“Don’t you insult Diana like that!”
“Don’t politicize their wedding!”
The most beautiful statement made at the wedding. Period.
“It’s not a scheme they’re in LOVE!”
Great, now I’m thirsty.
“Her grandson is getting married have some respect!”
You did this, didn’t you, you nerd.
“It’s just the lighting! Don’t say that!”
“What did I say about bringing Trump into this?!”
“He’s just thinking about the Venom trailer!”
“Don’t bring The Office into this!”
His poor, poor ex.
“A Springbreakers reference, really?!”
What? It’s not my fault he looks like a Slytherin.
Like, seriously though.
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Kids say the darndest things and cannot be trusted with fire, so they make bad people to follow in the kitchen. But we still love hearing their ideas about food, because they’re so imaginative. Food is more a supply from the craft store than something you would eat.
This is dangerous for the digestive system but good for laughs. Twitter user Jordan Adams shared a cookbook from his nephew’s pre-k class, and they’re the perfect example of the delirious minds that want to serve you actual mud pies:
Ethan’s Eggs sound delicious, but they are missing one key ingredient: eggs.
Ariana’s Macaroni involves time at the pool, which I am on board with.
Joe’s Tacos took a really fast turn. He does NOT want tacos.
And Sebastian’s Pancakes sound delicious, but they’re pretty pricey:
Though they would never eat any of these recipes in a million years, people love them:
And find them pretty relatable, actually:
It’s like demented Ratatouille in here.
Getting recipes from kids is a pretty common thing, because it’s always funny. Some people shared their own weirdo recipes from school, which they’ve held onto all these years in case they want to give themselves food poisoning someday:
Maybe even on Thanksgiving:
And teachers everywhere love compiling them:
We need them!
Keep me laughing, kids, as I eat this boring sandwich that is made with bread instead of two skateboards, or something.
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In case you missed it this past weekend, much of the world closely observed one of the most anticipated events of 2018, Prince Harry’s wedding to Meghan Markle. The fairy tale wedding did not disappoint.
Prince Harry and Meghan Markle went against several royal conventions. For one, they put an end to the long-standing streak of an all-white British monarchy, but they also got married on a weekend, rather than the royal tradition of weekday nuptials.
Here is the American side of the family showing off their royal wave.
This allowed for incredible celebrity sightings (don’t forget, Meghan was an actress on the popular TV series Suits), outfit changes, a wild party—and resulted in over 1.9 billion people tuning in live around the world
Here’s what you need to know about Meghan Markle and Prince Harry’s Royal Wedding.
1. These were the larger-than-life florals cascading the walls of St. George Chapel, where the two got married.
2. Prince Harry and Meghan Markle became the sixteenth royal couple to get married at Windsor Castle since 1863.
3. Here’s the ring Prince Harry proposed with. It was custom made by the court jewelers Cleave and Company, and featured one diamond from Botswana as well as two smaller stones from Harry’s mother, Princess Diana’s collection.
4. At the wedding, Meghan made a regal entrance, wearing a Givenchy dress and a tiara lent to her by the queen. Her veil was hand-embroidered with flora representing the 53 countries of the Commonwealth. She walked halfway down the aisle alone, until Prince Charles accompanied her to Prince Harry.
5. At which point, the internet melted.
6. During the church ceremony, gospel singers sang “Stand By Me.”
7. Teenage cellist Sheik Kanneh-Mason performed.
8. Eventually the newlyweds made a picture-perfect exit.
9. At some point during the daytime luncheon celebration, Elton John performed some of his hits, and this lemon elderflower cake was served. The cake caused a bit of a stir, as it represented another shift from royal wedding tradition, which typically calls for fruit cake to be served the the reception.
10. Prince Harry, Meghan and Elton John weren’t the only ones looking stunning during the Windsor Castle daytime affairs, which called for men to wear “morning dress” (morning coat + waist coat + tie + striped trousers) and women to wear a formal day dress (or skirt suit) with a mandatory hat.
11. Only a select few of the daytime invitees were invited to continue to the royal couple’s evening reception, which Idris Elba apparently DJed. And Serena Williams’ beer pong skills allegedly put everyone else to shame.
12. After Prince Charles and Camilla decided to “leave the young ones to it” around 11PM, there was a spectacular firework display, which many say was Harry’s decision, as they remind him of his late mother, Princess Diana of Wales.
13. Rumor has it, the party continued into the early morning hours in London’s exclusive Chiltern Firehouse restaurant.
And after that, there was a private house party, making this wedding sound like the funnest and wildest the monarchy has maybe ever had.
But the hangover seems to have worn off quickly, as Kensington Palace released official photos of the wedding early Monday morning.
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