Man Wonders If He’s Wrong To Refuse To Pay For His Daughter’s Fourth Wedding

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In some parts of the world, at least, there continues to be an expectation for parents – particularly the parents of the bride – to help pay for an elaborate wedding ceremony.

How far does that generosity extend, though? It’s fairly common to marry more than once, so are parents expected to continue to shell out funds?

OP is wondering just that after his daughter, married “thrice” in seven years, is set to marry a fourth time.

My (M57) daughter (32) has been divorced thrice already. She got married at 25 to the love of her life. I have her $15,000 as help for the wedding. Marriage lasted 3 years.

She married the love of her life when she was 30. I have her $5,000 for a much smaller more intimate wedding. Marriage lasted one year.

She married the guy that got her pregnant while she was married to never two. They divorced before my grandson was one.

She has met the love of her life and need money for the wedding.

They helped financially with the first three but when she asked again he told her he would help with “her next wedding.”

His daughter is upset and his wife thinks they should give her the money.

I said I would help her with the next one.

Now she is crying to her mother calling me an a**hole for not believing in her future.

I have managed to stay married for 33 years. It’s not that difficult.

My wife wants me to make peace by giving her some money. But I think it’s a waste.

Your call. Am I the a**hole for my bad attitude towards my daughter’s relationship?

Whose side is Reddit taking? Let’s find out!

The top comment supports OP, saying he’s done enough.

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This comment, and many others, say OP’s daughter should probably just go to the courthouse.

Screen Shot 2023 02 04 at 11.08.18 AM Man Wonders If Hes Wrong To Refuse To Pay For His Daughters Fourth Wedding

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They suggested he offer to pay for a 10 year anniversary party instead – if they make it that far.

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This comment says OP might be rude, but he isn’t wrong.

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Image Credit: Reddit

Then there’s this reminder that getting married is not the same as being married.

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Image Credit: Reddit

Yeah, I think Dad could have been more tactful, but he shouldn’t be expected to keep paying.

I mean, after all, when does it stop?

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