Love Is Blind Season 3’s Zanab Talks Cuties Scene

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Zanab Jaffrey told BuzzFeed all about that Cuties moment in the reunion episode of Love is Blind.

For context, Zanab alleged that she stopped eating after Cole attempted to control what she ate and made disparaging comments about her body — both on and off camera. She recalled one particular incident where she said she grabbed two small oranges and “[Cole] looked at me and said, ‘Are you going to eat both of those?'”

“I cannot believe that you would say that Zay,” Cole said in response, before calling on Netflix to air the footage.

Netflix did indeed include the footage, which showed Cole saying what Zanab described — but online, many accused Zanab of exaggerating Cole’s critical tone or even totally lying about how he treated her.

Speaking to BuzzFeed about the footage being included in the reunion episode, Zanab began, “Cole definitely asked for it. I asked for it, too. And, for me, it played out exactly as I said it did.”

“There was so much behind the Cutie conversation — being told by my fiancé repetitively things like, ‘You’re fattening yourself up,’ ‘you don’t physically look like anything I date,’ ‘I date Lillies, you’re not a Lily.'”

“By the end, it was as much as I could take,” she continued, further adding that her response of “You okay with that?” was “not the normal response of someone that is only for the first time being asked about what she’s eating.”

When BuzzFeed brought up the moment that she said that she “probably shouldn’t” tell Cole about why she only ate a banana and some peanut butter that day, Zanab explained, “There was definitely a part of me that wanted to protect him a bit. I don’t know if I just didn’t want to get into it in that moment or if I was fed up of just telling him, ‘Hey, you say these things and they hurt my feelings.'”

Zanab subsequently addressed the negative social media criticism of her via an Instagram post last week. “Social media felt like they had so much to say about it,” Zanab told BuzzFeed. “It felt like the way to put out a blanket, ‘this is what I’m going to say about it.'”

“I absolutely do not take back anything I said. That’s part of why I shut the comments off, too. If there’s one thing I know about myself, it’s that I have boundaries, and I will protect my peace and I will protect my mental health.”

Thanks for talking to us, Zanab! You can keep an eye out for more exclusive Love is Blind content hitting BuzzFeed this week. 👀


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