I Found Something Upsetting Under My Floorboards…

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I Found Something Upsetting Under My Floorboards…

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And welcome back to your regularly scheduled “Project 863” video. The red writing on the walls hasn’t stopped at Spellbound Inc, if anything it’s become a permanent fixture for the team to keep guessing about. However, today may be the day that some answers are found. After investigating some new writing in upstairs Red Base, the team sets off to Subject 4 to see if they have any ideas for what it could mean. And, when the smoke clears, what they find is shocking, while also making them question how much more of this will come up before they’re done with once and for all.

‼️ Would you like to know how these videos are made? Warning! The rest of the description will break the spell and take you out of this story world we’ve worked so hard to make magical. There may be spoilers ahead!
🎥 Behind 863 Videos ➡ https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCJOPQxbbl2_2tS-1hjajj5A
🎬 Behind 863 Reddit ➡ https://www.reddit.com/r/Behind863/
⚠️ The following story was created for entertainment purposes only and may not be suitable for all audiences. Viewer discretion is advised. This story and its characters are fictitious. Certain long-standing institutions, agencies, and public offices are mentioned, but the characters involved are wholly imaginary. Do not contact, engage with, or approach anyone or any company not directly linked in the description or confirmed to be a part of the story.

New Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/OsmaniTheOttoman/