Husband Threw Away Wife’s Tampons – AITA Reddit

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Finally, u/Gwendigwen asked the wife to truly consider her relationship with her husband when it comes to the following:

“Do you really want to be with somebody whom you have to hide things from? Do you really want to be with somebody that expects to decide about what you do with your body? Do you really want to be with somebody who feels they have the right, if you dare disagree, to take matters in their hands and take, damage, or throw away your belongings? Do you really want to be with somebody that ‘hates’ many things you do and ‘puts up’ with you?

He has already brought you to a place where you don’t really feel entitled to feelings of anger towards him. He’s the only one allowed to have feelings and be angry in this relationship, and that wont get better.

Take care.”


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