Here’s What Poly People Want Monogamous People To Know

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“I’ve been happily married and polyamorous for almost a decade now, and a lot of people are surprised/don’t believe me when I explain that the choice was mutual and not problem-driven. We weren’t unhappy before, we weren’t desperate for something new or different. It’s something we felt good about together and have worked really hard on and through. It’s been a huge boon to our relationship.”

“And it’s not always about struggling through jealousy — sometimes it’s the opposite. I have a girlfriend who is expecting her first baby with her husband very soon and it has been WONDERFUL to get to support her husband in taking care of her. While some metamour (your partner’s partner) relationships can be tough or competitive, they can also be loving, supportive, and rewarding. 

Polyamory has helped me build a beautiful, diverse family, and I’m better for it. It’s also not for everyone! Choose a relationship style that works for you, and your partner(s), with everyone’s enthusiastic consent! <3″ —kaitlins4a13ceba5


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