Foods People Intentionally Cook “Wrong” Reddit

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Sometimes cooking the “wrong” way is actually the right way.

When it comes to cooking our favorite dishes, we all have our own special way of doing things.

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© Walt Disney Co. / Courtesy Everett Collection

From purposefully burning things to adding even more than the recipe calls for, here are the most memorable responses to the thread. Take a look:


“I much prefer burnt popcorn.”

Elena Gurova / Getty Images / iStockphoto


“I was drunk one night making tacos and halfway through realized we had no tortillas…so I changed it to sloppy Joes, but already had put in the taco seasoning. We liked it so much that we make ‘taco Joes’ as a regular thing now.”


“Way too much vinegar in everything. I would never serve my salad dressing to guests, but I definitely love that sour pucker.”


“I burn my grilled cheese sandwiches. I grew up with a mother who always burned them, so it’s become a comfort flavor for me.”

Van Tonder, Hein / Getty Images / Foodcollection


“I like my pasta overdone. Like not mushy but definitely past al dente.”

Matthew Jolley / Getty Images / iStockphoto


“Mushy cereal and melting ice cream. Just leave it on the counter for like 10 minutes.”


“I intentionally burn my rice. I think the crispy part is very tasty.”

Xxwp / Getty Images / iStockphoto


“Way too much black pepper in everything.”

Michelle Lee Photography / Getty Images/iStockphoto


“I like my meat f*cking charred. No red juices.”

Ucpage / Getty Images / iStockphoto


“I bake drop biscuits a little too long, as I like them extra crunchy.”


“Hella. Vanilla. Never measure it. Just hella vanilla.”


“I like thick pancakes with just a bit of gooey batter in the middle. Like a custard pancake.”


“I prefer risotto overcooked. I like the extra-mushiness, almost like mashed potato instead of individual rice grains.”

Vasil Dimitrov / Getty Images / iStockphoto


“I like my bacon one step below burned. Like when I bite into it, it better crunch and crumble into tiny pieces.”


“I intentionally overcook pizza until the cheese gets crispy.”

Septemberlegs / Getty Images / iStockphoto


“I drain the water out of my ramen and eat it like a pasta rather than a soup. My girlfriend makes fun of me for my ‘dry ramen,’ but I can’t eat it any other way.”

Banusevim / Getty Images / iStockphoto


“I like my scrambled eggs overcooked too. I like a little browning on the egg pieces.”

Grace Cary / Getty Images


“Honestly? I like my chicken a little dry. Obviously not hard to swallow dry, but I don’t enjoy a really juicy chicken breast, tenderloin, etc.”

From_my_point_of_view / Getty Images / iStockphoto


“I don’t cook my SpaghettiOs. I eat them cold, straight out of the can.”

What would you add to this list? Let us know in the comments!


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