Dahmer Was Baptized the Same Day John Wayne Gacy Was Executed

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In a conversation with the New York Times in March 2007, Roy spoke openly and candidly about his relationship with Dahmer. He was fond of him and was deeply saddened by his death. Roy refers to him as “my friend Jeff,” and is secure in the idea that Jeff was a “child of God” by the time he was murdered in prison on Nov. 28, 1994.

Bringing one of the country’s most terrifying serial killers into the light of God would end up costing Roy Ratcliff. “I’m marked as the man who did that,” he shared with a feeling of annoyance, not at the idea but at the notion that it was wrong. The two met in April 1994, a meeting Roy would describe as fairly normal. “He was seeking redemption. He was seeking forgiveness,” said Roy.

Source: https://www.distractify.com/p/dahmer-baptized-john-wayne-gacy-execution

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