Is ‘Carpool Karaoke’ Fake? A Behind-the-Scenes Video Exposes the Truth

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However, several individuals have since come forward claiming they’ve witnessed James driving before. “Y’all when I saw One Direction filming Carpool Karaoke James was actually driving,” one fan stated, providing a photo and video as proof. 

Professional wrestler Xavier Woods, who appeared on a WWE-themed episode in 2018, also commented on the video, writing, “Yooooo I’ve been on this show and they definitely made us drive! WTF?!?”

Based on this evidence, it sounds like earlier installments were shot using just one car and some dashboard cams, but as the segment grew in popularity, they needed to make a few adjustments for production and safety reasons. Bravo to James for pulling off some killer interviews before he had a truck to tow him!

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