Does Jonathan Pryce Speak Spanish? He Studied up to Play Pope Francis

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“I found a piece of film from when he was the Cardinal Archbishop of Buenos Aires. He was being interrogated by a panel of his peers.” Jonathan said. “That was a very different image of the man. He was stern, drumming his fingers with impatience on the table. It was quite a different figure from the kindly man who showed up on that balcony in St. Peter’s Square the night he was elected Pope.”

Co-star Anthony Hopkins also had to do some extra studying for his role.

In an interview with Deadline, Anthony said he had to learn both Latin and Italian for his role. “I do like to know the lines so well, and I had to learn Latin and Italian, but because I was such a duffer at school, I’ve got this obsession of, I’ve got to know, I’ve got to know, and that’s my one control factor, I guess,” he said.

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