Boyfriend Johnny Murrell, Deafness, and More

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Is Maelyn deaf?

Johnny doesn’t hold back when it comes to singing his GF’s praises. “My Khaleesi, Maelyn of the House Jarmon, first of her name, Queen of the mixed-bet, Mother of Mae Baes, breaker of hearts,” he captioned a photo of her from earlier this month. And Maelyn is honestly a force to be contended with.

Despite facing some difficulties when it came to music, Maelyn has come out on the tippity top. According to her NBC bio, this Texas native suffered from recurring ear infections as a 2-year-old. Doctors inserted tubes into her ears to treat the infection, but the tubes ultimately damaged her eardrums, leaving her deaf in her right ear and with only 80 percent hearing in her left.

But that hasn’t stopped Maelyn at all, who’s only one of two remaining singers on John Legend’s team.

Watch Maelyn perform tonight and see if she makes it to the end. The Voice airs tonight at 8 p.m. on NBC.

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