36 Former Hooters Girls Secrets And Stories


“I worked at Hooters as a waitress in college. I loved the other girls I worked with but didn’t love the creep factor of some of the customers. Although the majority were fine, it was the really weird ones that made you hate showing up for work.”

I had one guy who would come in every other day that would always request me. He never spoke, even to order as he would just point to what he wanted on the menu. Then he would just watch me when I was on the floor. It really creeped me out. I complained to the manager several times and was always told just to deal with it. One time, I left work only to find the man standing outside. I was giving two of the girls a ride home, and we realized the guy was following us. I pulled into the local police precinct and watched him drive by. I quit the next day.”


Source: https://www.buzzfeed.com/sydrobinson1/hooters-girls-secrets-and-stories