3 Easy Stretches To Improve Your Work From Home Posture

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Even after hearing this, my skepticism persisted. If I’m switching up positions at my standing desk like my name is Ariana Grande, then why do I still feel pain being activated? “Pain is your nervous system talking to your body,” Dr. Craig told me. “It’s a part of life. So if you’re experiencing pain, that means you’re alive.”

I actually got choked up when he told me that. Because if I’m being honest, I previously felt so resigned to my pain. I just relented that I was always going be cursed with it because of my constant slouching and hunching at the computer. It was refreshing to hear that my pain is not something I should feel bad about.

“It may not be all that realistic to expect no pain for the rest of your life,” Dr. Craig said. “And how we feel about our posture changes with how we look at it when we are in pain versus when we aren’t. That’s why pain isn’t indicative of good or bad posture. Because posture is always dynamic. Even in a more ‘perfect’ posture, your body’s going to want to move.”

Source: https://www.buzzfeed.com/pernellquilon/sitting-posture-tips-work-from-home

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