29 People Who Cut Off A Loved One And Don’t Regret It

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“I had a boyfriend who wouldn’t stop speaking to me in a baby voice. Before you ask, it wasn’t a kinky thing; it was just a voice he’d do to try and be cute, I guess. It was sort of sweet at first, but he kept doing it all the time, especially in public, like on dates or when we were grocery shopping together, and it was really embarrassing. I had asked him to quit it a few times, but he never took me seriously. I had found out that my grandfather had passed away very suddenly, and was taking it really hard. In the middle of frantically booking flights and packing so I could fly across the country to be with my family, my boyfriend came into the apartment, gently took me in his arms, kissed the top of my head, and whispered, ‘I’m sowwy your gwand-paw died.’ in a baby voice.”

“To say that I saw red is an understatement, and I immediately pushed him away and went, ‘I need you to leave the apartment now before I say something that I regret.” He was shocked, and we sort of reconciled before I left for the funeral, but every time I looked at him, I couldn’t get the moment out of my head. 

We broke up after I came home, and the baby voice was definitely the final straw, but it certainly helped that I mentioned that I was considering leaving him to my mother, who immediately responded, ‘Oh good, I never liked him.'”

—Anonymous, 42, AK

Source: https://www.buzzfeed.com/mayaogolini/people-share-why-they-cut-someone-off-1

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