26 Things People Think Are Endearing About Americans

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Our school extracurriculars and teachers:

“For me personally? The schools and the school system. I moved here about 12 years ago from [South Africa] when I was still a kid, and yes while the education (meaning: what you learned in class and how strict rules were) was much better where I’m from IMO, I was so shocked that schools here had soooo many clubs and after-school programs/activities and even classes! I can’t imagine taking theater as a 12-year-old over there!!

I also love how involved parents are in school events and programs. I also really love how teachers decorate their classrooms a lot more. I haven’t been in an actual school in years, but I have the fondest memories of my fifth grade class being so decorated and pretty, lol. I’m a cornball but really appreciate American teachers for that.”


Source: https://www.buzzfeed.com/andyneuenschwander/things-non-americans-love-about-americans

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