25 Things People Love About Being Over 30

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“I’m in my 50s (52). I’m more aware that I’m not going to be here forever and that makes me really grateful for things I used to take for granted like my good health, spending an afternoon with my kids (they’re grown and busy), even just walking my dog. I think part of the gift of aging is the ability to really recognize the beauty of the present.”

“I spent years working, worrying, always grinding, feeling guilty if I wasn’t earning money or taking care of someone else. They were good productive years. 

But I’ve only got 25 or 30 left and who knows how long I’ll be in good health. This makes me mindful of who and what gets my time and energy. I’m fully present.”


Source: https://www.buzzfeed.com/meganeliscomb/best-things-about-being-over-30

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