23 Disturbing Secrets People Hid Their Whole Lives

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“My uncle had a friend when I was younger who was a very quiet old man named Dicky. … He died when I was in middle school and he always just seemed like a shy, sweet old dude. Years pass and sadly my uncle died too, and one night my aunt … says she thinks Dicky killed someone when they were younger.”

“Apparently back in the 1950s there was a gruesome killing that took place in our town of a high school girl who happened to be a friend of my aunt. The girl who was killed was found on an old country road covered in a burlap sack. … The murderer was never caught. My aunt claimed that she knows Dicky did it. He lived on the road the body was found on, his family were farmers and had access to the sacks the body was covered with, and was known to be a loner, creep type and had a crush on the girl. … In the days after the murder, Dicky and some other boys were questioned but cleared of any suspicion because they had said they were at a bonfire that most of their high school class had been at. But my aunt said she never saw him that night. … I asked her why she never told the police … and she claimed she had been convinced otherwise by my uncle at the time, which implies that he must’ve known Dicky did it and was covering for him.”


Source: https://www.buzzfeed.com/hannahmarder/disturbing-secrets-revealed-after-death

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