21 Near Death Experiences To Make You Question Everything

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“I knew a guy who got into a car accident, got rushed into surgery, and died on the table. He was looking down on himself and the team working to revive him when he noticed the music playing in the room, the doctor’s bald spot, and heard everything they were talking about.”

“When they brought him back to life and stabilized him, the doctor came to see him. He told the doctor, ‘I was watching you when I was dead on the table.’ The doctor brushed it off, but the guy told him, ‘I’ll prove it. When I was dead, the speakers were playing Metallica, and I saw you have a bald spot on the top of your head.’ The doctor was tall, and the bald spot was at the back of his head, so the guy couldn’t have seen it. The doctor was shocked when he identified the music and his bald spot.”


Source: https://www.buzzfeed.com/sydrobinson1/near-death-experiences

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