20 Bad First Dates Filled With Red Flags


“I once had a date with a man who I worked with. He seemed nice enough, and after he begged me to go out with him, I finally agreed. I don’t like to mix work and pleasure, but I thought why not. First red flag: He showed up to my door holding his coat and did a 360 turn and said, ‘Don’t I look great?’ I was like, ‘Yeah, you look very nice.’ He said nothing about my attire. Second red flag: He ended up taking me out to this amazing restaurant, but my eyeballs burst at the prices. I was not comfortable paying that or having someone else pay it for me. I expressed my concern about how expensive it was, and he, in turn, replied that I didn’t need to worry and to enjoy my evening with him.”

“He said it would all be taken care of. I still felt uncomfortable with the prices, so I ordered the cheapest thing on the menu even though he nagged me and said to get whatever I wanted. By the time the check came, he told me how much I owed him. I asked him what he meant. He told me I made as much as he did, so I could afford to pay half. I would have been fine splitting it if it was at a place I could actually afford. Also, we had NOT agreed on going dutch, and when he told me not to worry, I thought he was implying that he would pay. Without saying a word, I paid for my food. He leaned in for a kiss when he was dropping me off, and I got out and closed the door in his face.”


Source: https://www.buzzfeed.com/hannahdobro/bad-first-dates-with-red-flags