17 Of The Worst Things People Ever Had To Do At Work


“Working at a liquor store. Seemed OK at first, got a good discount, and my coworkers were decent. But then you realize how dangerous and soul crushing it is. Not only are you dealing with petty theft on a daily basis, and also getting screamed at for asking for ID, or threatened with weapons, but you also see the dark side of alcohol all the time.”

“People so addicted they can’t do anything without it. Some of the regulars you get to know well and most are nice people, but they spend thousands of dollars a month on poison, and you are enabling them to do it, and you have to if you want to keep your job. That’s the soul-crushing part of it, and it can quickly make you become an alcoholic too. It’s hard when it’s all around you all the time.”


Source: https://www.buzzfeed.com/meganeliscomb/worst-things-done-for-work