16 Things Teachers Did That Cost Them Their Job

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“So…I got in huuuuge trouble. You see, the previous day, the teacher had advised all students that the following day there would be a ‘show and tell’ of sorts, but the goal was to bring something the presenter was certain no one else had ever seen. I had no clue what I could bring. So I asked my dad who really appreciated historical things and was excited to show me a grenade. Now, this was a dud. It had been drilled out, and no fuse existed, so the mechanism could not detonate. But it had been, at one point, a very real grenade. So the next day in my very small Canadian town, on a typically quiet street, at a mostly calm school yard…there were over a dozen service vehicles, a SWAT team no one knew existed, and a hybrid tank/battering ram vehicle thing we’re still not sure how the town procured.”

“About 40 minutes before all this, I was being dragged by my shirt collar to the principal’s office by my teacher while she held the grenade in the other hand, almost as though she was displaying it and also disgusted by it. She paraded me, and the grenade, in front of sooooooooooo many students. Panic ensued. The bomb squad eventually identified the grenade as harmless, my teacher was discharged, I was suspended for two days, and my dad went to bat for me.”


Source: https://www.buzzfeed.com/ajanibazile/wild-reasons-teachers-got-fired

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