14 Stories About How People Caught Their Partner Cheating

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“So in college, I met this guy at an orientation activity. We were into each other, but I let him know that I wanted an open relationship only while I was at school. He very much didn’t want monogamy. We started dating, and I was surprised he never dated anyone else. I went home for Christmas, and he went radio silent. When I came back he was cagey. It took a few weeks, but I finally got out of him that he really wanted an exclusive girlfriend committed only to him and that he’d connected with a high school crush over vacation and was dating her. Okay.”

“We agreed to just be friends. Fast forward a few weeks, and I’m talking with a mutual college friend who burst out that she was dating him, that it was a long time coming after a semester of flirting, and how he wanted to wait to tell people, but she was so happy she needed to tell someone. I was confused. Later, I ask him about his girlfriend back home, and he told me that it didn’t work out, actually, and would I like to hook up that weekend? HUH?”


Source: https://www.buzzfeed.com/ajanibazile/people-caught-partner-cheating

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