12 Throuple Stories From People In The Relationships

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“I’ve been in my throuple for almost five years (two females and one male). Many people high-five our guy for getting two girls. They see it as an accomplishment for him but assume that we girls don’t also love each other. The three of us own property, share finances and have legal documents to protect our assets and future children. Although we can not legally all be married, we treat each other as such. I love my spouses and there are many benefits. Their families are accepting and wholeheartedly involve me as a complete equal. My parents are not as understanding.”

“There is now, unfortunately, tension with my parents as they try to ‘save me.’ Because of my parents’ comments and attempts to bring me ‘home,’ we are not very close and I purposely keep myself from the rest of my family (except for my siblings who are close with my spouses) so that my mother does not lose her inheritance from my grandparents. It hurts that my mother would choose money over having a relationship with me and my spouses. Other than that, I truly have never been happier, more accepted, and truly loved than being with the two of them. I can’t wait to one day grow our family and be able to provide so much more opportunities for them.”


Source: https://www.buzzfeed.com/ajanibazile/stories-secrets-from-throuples

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